The Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Participatory Management of Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation is a proactive initiative of the World Bank and Indira Gandhi National Open University for building the skills of development practitioners in general and resettlement and rehabilitation officers, field staff, desk staff and technical experts in issues of displacement in particular.
The programme is of use to those who are engaged in the development sector, especially in resettlement and rehabilitation (R and R) divisions of development projects of the Government, private sector as project officers, technical experts, field staff or desk staff and those working with the NGOs, industrial establishments and other agencies involved in R and R of those displaced by development projects.
The objectives of the PGDMRR are to enhance to learner's participatory management skills for resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) by orienting learners to the following themes and issues.
Development caused displacement and rehabilitation
Participation of stakeholders for appropriate planning and implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation projects
Tools and techniques for enhancing participation of stakeholders and
Participatory implementation and monitoring of resettlement and rehabilitation projects
The evaluation of Project-Work will be done by R&R experts, appointed after due procedure by IGNOU's Students Registration and Evaluation Division (SR&E Division). These experts will be selected from among the list of experts prepared by the PGDMRR Program Co- ordination Team. A supervisor of the Project Work of PGDMRR cannot be the examiner of any Project Work Report of PGDMRR. After receiving the evaluation grade sheet from the examiner, the SR&E Division will send the result (grade sheet) to the learner.
Evaluations of assignments will BE the responsibility of mentors/ counselors, who will mark Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). While assignments (TMAs) will have a weightage of 50 per cent in seven papers. Project work will have a weightage of hundred percent as there is no term-end exam in MRRP-111.
Project Work will be distributed into
Clarity of topic; language, coherence, style etc.
Clarity of objectives and methodology and methods
Understanding and application of participatory approach
Extent to which learning points of each of the four courses reflect in the body of the Project-Work Report
The following is the scheme of awarding divisions and grades
Percentage Range
5-Point Grade
80 and above
A- Excellent
60 to 79.9
B- Very Good
50 to 59.9
C- Good
40 to 49.9
D- Satisfactory
Below 40
E- Unsatisfactory
As already discussed earlier in section 6.1 (iii), it is your responsibility to identify one individual to agree to guide or supervise your work. To once again reiterate, any of the following three categories can be your supervisor.
- Faculty in Economics and Sociology Disciplines of the School of Social Sciences, IGNOU
- Academic Counselors of Economics and Sociology in Bachelor's Degree Programme at an IGNOU Study Centre, located near your place of work/residence
- R&R professional currently employed in an R&R project of the government, private sector or working in an NGO involved in resettlement and rehabilitation activities of a development project.