15 February, 2025

Regional Centre

Good Practices
1. All officers regularly have face to face meeting with the students to resolve their problems and also to consolidate learner support services.
2. Timely and effective communications are made to the students for the changes effected in the support system on account of unavoidable circumstances (closure/shifting of Study Centres, conduct of practical for B.Sc.; computer programmes , distribution of study material).
3. Very close coordination with the Hqrs. (particularly RSD, SED, SRD and MPDD) is maintained for resolving student problems.
4. Strict adherence to the guidelines/deadlines of the hqrs. is followed in transmission of various data, report etc.
5. Timely availability of requisite support (academic, administrative and financial) is ensured to LSCs for strengthening the overall support system.
6. The monthly monitoring reports, account statements are submitted on time to the HQs. Financial books and records are maintained up-to-date.
7. An effective and prompt student grievance redressal mechanism is strictly followed to ensure expeditious alleviation of student problems.
8. Brochures containing guidelines for effective evaluation for the evaluators and also for learners regarding writing of TMA responses, developed by the Regional Centre are liberally distributed to study centres and to students for reference.
9. Regular monitoring of assignment evaluation process is carried out during monitoring visits to Learner Support Centres (LSCs). Assignment Responses are also collected from the LSCs and sent to respective School of studies for qualitative monitoring. Feedback is given to the LSCs with respect to evaluation of assignments as per University guidelines.


10. The Regional Centre and the Study Centres have been extensively making use of e-mails and SMS services to the learners for providing various learners’ support related information/updates for facilitating the study.